Friday, March 27, 2015

Prophet Jeopardy Game- Sharing Time

The theme in primary for March was "God speaks through Prophets." during the first 3 Sundays I incorporated some "trivia" questions and "facts" for the kids into every lesson about certain prophets and told them that we would be playing a jeopardy game at the end of the month so they needed to listen extra close!

I came up with this fun Jeopardy game involving 5 different prophets. Some of the President Monson jeopardy questions were pulled from another blog that I came across as I was doing my research.  Here is the link to her President Monson Jeopardy game president monson jeopardy

For sharing time I split the room down the middle and had one side be the "Nephites" and the other side be the "Lamanites" (the kids loved it!) Then I brought two kids up front and had the Nephites start by picking a Prophet and a number underneath the prophet. Each prophet had 6 questions (numbered 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 and 600) ranging from 100 being the easiest to 600 being the hardest question.
I didn't have a bell so I put a squeak toy between them and then read the questions and whoever grabbed it and squeaked it first got to answer. If they got it right they got 2 points. If they had to ask their team for help they were only given 1 point. 

I had a teacher from each class pick someone to come up and be next and the child on the winning team would get to choose the next category and number.

We had a LOT of fun and didn't even get half way through in either junior or senior primary so I am doing it again this Sunday

*The only thing I did different in junior primary was that I didn't put up any 400, 500, or 600 tiles so the kids were only picking the easier questions.

Here are the printables for this game. Enjoy!

Jeopardy Game tiles

Prophet headers

Prophet Jeopardy: questions and answers

 You will need to print off 5 copies of each number tile and one of each name tile. Here is what your board should look like after you print everything off:

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Chicken Little

Clayton came home with a little {BIG} surprise for the boys {and me} tonight.  He had vaguely mentioned to me a couple of weeks ago that he would love to have chickens to provide our family with fresh eggs.

I guess i didn't realize how serious he was.

The boys fell madly in love at first sight. Cooper named his chicken Grimlock (think Transformers) and Adam named his little chick Sparky.

They both expressed how excited they are to take care of the chicks and love them, feed them, water them and clean up their cage.

Adam excitedly told us "I guess this means we are farmers now!" 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

An Adoption Placement

This is a post I put on my photography site tonight and wanted to share it here too. I've gotten some great comments and feedback and I'm just so thrilled to finally be able to share the pictures from this amazing session! :)

I don't even know where to begin. I am so, so proud of this session. I'm so grateful that I was asked to photograph this special moment in time and to be a part of it all.

For those of you that don't know, my family has been greatly blessed by adoption. Both of my handsome boys are adopted. Both of their adoption stories are unique and beautiful and special. There are no words to express the gratitude I have to God for allowing me the privilege to be their mom. I have a tremendous amount of love and respect for both of their birth mothers and the gift they have given us.

Do you know someone that's adopted? have you ever wondered what an adoption placement might be like? Well let me tell you. It's incredible. Sacred. Humbling and heartbreaking yet full of hope and joy all at once. There is gratitude and love, so much love in that room. It's hard to imagine that a tiny little being can be loved by so many so instantly. There wasn't a dry eye in sight (myself included) and I'm thrilled to share just a handful of these images with you.