Our Family


Two words come to mind when I think of my family: Zoo & Circus!
Our boys are loud, rambunctious, busy, energetic and did I mention loud?!?
They rarely slow down during the day unless it's to eat but luckily for us they are completely worn out by bedtime and crash almost immediately into peaceful sleep :)

Our weekdays are filled with school, play dates, play group, the splash pad and the park when it's warm and movie and game nights when it's cold! We are still getting settled into our new home and are hoping to focus our attention on our yard this Spring and Summer.

Adam (7 1/2) is our thinker. He is very articulate and talks like a grown up most of the time. He loves to draw and is quite talented in that area. He is fascinated with animals, especially any tropical jungle ones and is constantly learning as much as he can about an animals, habitat, diet, appearance and any other info he can find. He's also stubborn, determined and feisty and rarely backs down from an argument (imagine our joy lol)He's also extremely playful and sweet and loves his little brother so much.

Cooper (3 1/2 ) is our busy-body.  He NEVER sits still and always has an agenda! He loves cars, trucks and balls and will be our little athlete for sure.  He is such a daredevil..not scared of anything! He can't get enough of being outside and riding his trike or his big brothers skateboard. He rarely stops talking, is a chatterbug and is LOUD!   He and his big brother definitely have one thing in common: Cooper is just as stubborn, feisty and determined as Adam!  On the other hand he is quick to smile and loves to play and snuggle and is always available to give a hug and a kiss.

Our weekends are filled with all sorts of activities. We love going to the zoo, the dinosaur museum, the water park and the playground. We also enjoy bike rides with the kids and walks around our neighborhood. Family time is our priority!